Sunday, April 6, 2014

March 17, 2014

Thanks heaps for the long e-mail this week! I enjoyed reading it as always! In response to some of your comments in the e-mail--yes Madsen is getting married soon! Him and I have regular contact so I'd heard about it when it first happened but I didn't think to mention it to you, but I'm glad you saw. They are getting married on May 17th, so you should try and ask him or his ol' folks for the time of the reception, I'm sure he would appreciate that! Also, update with the Burmese DVD, the person that we talked to in the office didn't know of any Burmese DVD so we are going to ask the sister who told us to talk to them so she could possibly help them find it more easily. I'm always happy to hear you get the chance to feed the missionaries! What a blessing it is to have them around more frequently as opposed to never having them for 9 years because there weren't enough of them. So on to our week. It was extremely busy for us as we were blessed this week to teach 32 lessons, which is 12 more than the goal for the mission on a weekly basis per companionship. So the Lord has given us responsibility over a large amount of people here and so we are always on the go. We are still teaching heaps of Burmese but a good portion of them now speak a pretty good amount of English, several of them speak normally, which is great. Our concern at the start was that if we worked hard and got a lot of Burmese investigators that all of the work would stop if Elder Suan left, but that wont be the case luckily. One of the greatest miracles we saw was a testament to Alma 37:6. We had the opportunity 2 weeks ago to speak to a youth group in another church (our investigator was the leader of that group) which had ages from like 3 years old to 15 years old. So one of the things we decided to share with them was to teach them how to sing the hymn 'I Am a Child of God.' They did a pretty good job and we thought that was just a 'small and simple thing' that we did. But when we were talking to our investigator on Saturday, he said that prior Sunday all the youth got up and performed 'I Am a Child of God' in the main meeting of the church for the whole congregation! So we were pretty surprised to hear that! So as the scripture says, small things bring about great things. Perhaps none of those kids will join the church now (obviously some because they are too young) but hopefully they will always remember learning and singing that song and maybe one day they will meet the church again and hear that song and it will spark the memory. We also met a really awesome Burmese guy this week who is really good at speaking English and is very smart and influential for the Burmese people here. He has had some cool experiences in his life and after talking with him for a little while he wants to try to bring all the young people (as in like 20 and under) from his church to attend one of our meetings (that's like over 100 people) because he feels they should learn more about other faiths as well to educate themselves. Whatever his motive for it though that is really exciting! So we have a meeting set up with him for this week and we will talk about it more with him. Also the idea for an interfaith activity is starting to progress as we brought it up in P.E.C. this Sunday and they all like the idea. So we will be working with the Elders Quorum and Relief Society Presidents to organize something to happen in the next few weeks. Hopefully the other church will be happy to participate. Church was very good this week and it was great to have President and Sister Maxwell speak in the Mooroolbark ward. We invited heaps of people this week to come and a lot of them said they would, but unfortunately only 1 came. However, it was the teacher in another church that I talked about a few weeks ago, so it was a great Sunday for him to attend. He really enjoyed the meeting and said anytime he is able to he will continue to come. The 40-Day fast is also going pretty well, this is the week that we start all of the follow-ups with the members so we hope that they have worked hard to keep the commitments that have been given to them. The sister missionaries are also doing really well. They have a family who is working towards being baptized on the 5th of April. Simone and Jack are doing much better as well. Jack is still loving the Gospel and Simone, after working very closely with Bishop for an extended period of time, has overcome a lot of challenges. So we are very glad to see them continue to stay strong. So everything continues to progress well here and we are thankfully staying busy all the time. As always your love and support is wonderful! I love you heaps and I'll talk to you again soon! Have a great week!
Elder Hopkins
 Elder Hopkins, Elder Suan, and the youth from another church in Mooroolbark.

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