always, I loved the e-mail this week! So many exciting things
happening, if you see Ryan again sometime soon tell him congratulations
and I'm very excited for him because he will have so many great
experiences. That's great that there are so many missionaries out at the
moment in our ward and the other wards, there is always a need for more
serving! Tell Alyssa happy 10th birthday for me! And thanks for the
suggestion about BYU, I will remember that for this Sunday. Hard to
believe there is only 2 weeks left in this transfer and after that there
are only 2 transfers left on my mission. The time just melts away so
fast the closer you get to the end, which is sad, but you just have to
continue to work hard and make the most of it! Thanks heaps also for
looking up the lineage for me, hopefully they are able to get the
correct information without too much difficulty. So each week is a great
week in Mooroolbark and the past one was no exception to that. We
continue to see many blessings. We did have a few disappointing things
this week though, one of them being church attendance. We had 8 people
who were confirmed to come to church with members to pick them up but
within the last 24 hours before church 6 of them cancelled for various
reasons, so we were a bit sad about that especially since the talks were
really great in Sacrament. It always seems to be the case that the very
best Sacrament meetings for your investigators are the ones when nobody
shows up haha. But we hope they will all be there next Sunday. The
Pencostal teacher agreed to come check out our church next Sunday as
well which will be very interesting to see what he thinks, especially
since it's testimony meeting-a.k.a. the scariest sacrament meeting for
missionaries hahaha. Ellen wasn't able to come to church
either yesterday which means her baptismal date will have to be changed,
which is unfortunate but hopefully it won't have to be pushed back very
far. We were fasting on Sunday for all the investigators we currently
have who are seriously reading and praying about the Book of Mormon at
this present time that they can receive and recognize their answers to
the truthfulness of it. So we hope this week we will be able to see some
fruits from that fast. One really good thing that happened this past
week was with the Sudanese family I mentioned last week. The daughter,
Monica, was able to go to young women's on Tuesday and had a really
great time! All the young women really made her feel welcome and a part
of the group and Monica is excited to continue to be involved in the
Young Women's program, so we look forward to continuing to see their
family progress. Also on Tuesday we had a really great experience with
the weekly splits with the ward. We were trying to contact some people
on the ward list who we didn't know and most of them had moved house.
However, we met one man named Adam who was at the correct address. He is
an awesome guy! We talked with him for about 30 minutes and found out
he's been less-active in the church for about 15 years but still
remembers a lot about it. He said even though he wasn't attending church
he was still praying and reading the scriptures. After talking he said
he was happy for us to start visiting him on a fairly regular basis and
that he felt sometime in the near future he would be ready to come back
to church again. So that was a pretty good miracle for us this past week! Another cool thing
this past weekend was that on Saturday it was the Chin (a state from
Burma--Elder Suan and all the Burmese people we are teaching are from
the Chin state) National Day. So all the Chin people from Australia came
down to celebrate the anniversary of the national day, and it just
happened to be a few minutes from where we live! So it was perfect
timing for Elder Suan to be here. We got permission to go to the
national day festival and were able to meet a lot of people, so it was a
great opportunity. So everything is continuing to progress here which
is good, and we are excited for the 40-Day Fast which starts tomorrow
which we know will keep us very busy and bring heaps of miracles to the
area and ward. Thanks for you support and love and e-mails! They always
help a lot! I hope you have a great week this week and I'll talk to you
again soon! Love you heaps!
Elder Hopkins
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