Sunday, April 7, 2013

April 8, 2013


Thanks heaps for the fantastic e-mail this week! I loved reading it as always and am glad that you're seeing a lot of blessings lately. This last week of the transfer was really good and we saw a lot of miracles and blessings as we worked. However, I'll save that for a moment as you're probably wanting to know about the transfer news. Well it seems that it's back to my usual routine of the mission thus far as Elder Matu'u and I will both be staying in Geelong for this next transfer as well! I'm excited to keep working here now that the area is really starting to grow and we're seeing a lot of success as well as to continue to work hard with Elder Matu'u. I am pretty drained physically, and mentally from the past 2 transfers here though so hopefully it turns out to be a really good transfer. Too add to the stress a bit there will be no more car in Geelong either. We obviously haven't had a car but the other area of Geelong did have one but they're moving it to another area in the Zone. So now the 10th biggest city in Australia is now exclusively a biking area for missionaries. We're considering after this transfer to try our luck getting into the 'Tour de France' since we've become quite accustomed to riding the bikes. So that's the transfer news for me, I've asked the other Geelong companionship to see where all my past companions are going to (they'll be at the transfer meeting because Elder Hasson is moving) so I'll let you know about that next week. So with hearing that news I'm quite amazed that in my 1st year of the mission (it still feels so weird that after this transfer I'll be able to say I'll have been out that long!) I've served in just 2 areas. Also, another fun stat is that my mission is split in half with time on bikes and time in the car, the 1st 6 months in a car and these 2nd 6 months on bikes. Looking back I think I the bikes have been better for missionary work purposes (being able to talk to everyone as we go to appointments or from place to place, keeps us fit and healthy, and I've been able to get a nice tan on my arms haha). So anyway, not too much change in transfers but that's something I'm fairly used to by now. Now back to this past week. We were able to see Noah quite a bit this past week and he's still going really well and understanding everything great. He's very excited for his baptism this coming weekend, which will be on Sunday the 14th now so some of the family will be able to come that wouldn't have been able to on the Saturday. We've almost finished everything lessons-wise so all he needs now is just his baptismal interview this week and then he'll be ready to enter into the his first covenant in his path through the Gospel. Also, Joel and Camilla are going excellently as well! We were able to teach them this past week for the first time in a few weeks and it went so well. Joel is very prepared and has one of the strongest desires to learn and grow that I've seen thus far on the mission. He's now preparing to be baptized on the 4th of May so we'll pray fervently for him to continue to feel the spirit and receive his answer about the truthfulness of the Gospel. We're excited for General Conference this weekend especially because we know that could play a big part in Joel (as well as Camilla) receiving an answer and learning more from the Prophet and general authorities. So we're excited to continue to see their progress. We've also found some really keen new investigators this past week, a couple have come off referrals from Neil. Neil I think I mentioned a few weeks ago, one of the ones we found off the ward list who really wants to come back to church. He's been a huge blessing to us so far because he loves to help us and also has helped us find some really great people to teach. So finding both him and Candice and Walle has been a great blessing not only in helping them return to the Gospel but also in having others come into the Gospel as well. Jaryn is still going pretty well, his university has kept him from having as much time to receiving the lessons more frequently though. He still enjoys church each week though and hopefully will continue to work towards and be ready for his April 20th baptism. This past week we've also had to do some more cleaning on the side because we have another flat inspection this Wednesday (this time by the actual owners) so hopefully everything will go well with that. So at the moment it looks like this coming transfer will be a really good one with hopefully continued blessings and success. I've already learned so much and grown so much since I've served here in Geelong and I know that will continue to happen as Elder Matu'u and I continue to work hard and improve our level of commitment and obedience each day despite whatever trials and challenges we may face. This mission as a whole is growing as well as there will now be about 220 missionaries in the Melbourne mission after the new missionaries come in this transfer. The mission also has set a new goal for this 2nd quarter of the year (April, May, June) that we'll get 151 baptisms which would be great to see happen as President and Sister Lifferth only have these 3 months left of their service and it'd be a great send off to see the mission reach new heights by hitting that goal. Well again I'm grateful for the e-mail this week and for all of your continued love and support that helps me each day feel comfort and courage as we work. I hope that you have a wonderful week this week as well and that you continue to see a lot of blessings and miracles. I love you heaps and I'll talk to you again soon!


Elder Hopkins

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