Monday, December 10, 2012

December 10, 2012


Thanks once again for another great e-mail! I really enjoyed it! This week was incredibly busy and eventful and Elder Hirata and I saw a lot of miracles. Well on Wednesday we did get to go to the Temple and that was an incredible experience as always! It was wonderful to be able to feel the spirit there and receive heaps of personal guidance and revelation. I learn so much each time I get to go through the Temple and my resolve to be better grows each time as well. After the Temple on Wednesday, one of the member couples in the ward took us out to dinner. We got permission from President Lifferth last Sunday to go with them because they wanted to take us to a restaurant in the city. So that was really cool to experience a bit of the city! It was just a little street restaurant that served souvlakes (I'd never heard of them before but they're really good!). We weren't quite in the city center but still close enough were it felt as congested as the city haha. It's unbelievable how busy it is there. They said that on the weekends the traffic can make you take about 2 hours just to go a couple of blocks! The area we were in also had some incredible houses as well which I'm sure would cost a fortune. But that was really fun to go up there with them. This past week Elder Hirata had quite a bit of bike trouble haha. On Thursday towards the end of the day, he got a flat tire. Now Elder Hirata had never changed a tire before and it'd been so long since I'd done it that I'd forgotten how to. So he just called up some other missionaries and they walked him through it step by step. We had to walk over to the nearest shopping center (which was quite close to our flat) to buy a new tire and a little repair kit just in case. So we got the old tire off and the new one on just fine, so we thought everything was all good once again. However, when we went to fill it up with air again the next day it was still remaining flat. So we inspected it again and when Elder Hirata used a kitchen knife to pry off the old tire he had accidentally poked a hole in the inner tire tube as well! So we had to walk back to the shopping center to buy some more supplies before we finally got everything fixed. So the whole ordeal took us about 4 hours, haha. But the Elder Hirata vs. Bike match still had round 2 to go. When we were riding down a steep hill coming back from an appointment, he took out his planner to check something and while he was looking at it he didn't notice a big bump on the sidewalk. I was behind him a little way and I just saw him fly a few feet in the air and fall almost in slow motion! Haha. He just fell in the grass though and he wasn't hurt besides a scratch or two. We realized later that he must've lost his bike lights when it happened because, come nighttime, his light appeared to have broken off the holder. So today we stopped by the shopping center again so he could buy a new light. So that was quite a crazy week for him, haha. Now on the actually missionary side of things, it was a really good week. Despite us not having a lot of time to work this week, because of the Temple and city trips and the whole bike thing, we ended up still getting in heaps of lessons, and saw some of our main investigators make some great progress. Melissa nearly quit smoking this week, she'd given it up for two days but then had one again. She said that she's down to just one a day though which is the best she said she's ever done! So that's been really good news, and we're helping her to pick a day to fast to help her receive extra strength, spiritually and physically. Also last Sunday, our investigator Rodney Dean fasted, and throughout this whole past week he was reading and praying individually and with the family every day! So that was huge progress to see with him and we can see that it is blessing his life. Hopefully soon he'll feel ready to make to the commitment to be baptized. Yesterday, at church, we had the biggest miracle of all. One of the less-active families who's just been coming back to church the past 2 or 3 weeks, has requested us to come teach their 3 unbaptized children (ages, 9, 10, and 11)  and baptize them before Christmas! Wow! So that was a huge blessing to receive that request and that will be so wonderful for the family and especially for the children. We'll be seeing them this Tuesday and will set a baptism date with them then (likely the 22nd of this month). So that'll be a great Christmas present for the Pakenham Ward! So we're really looking forward to begin to teach them this week. So a couple days within the past few weeks have been really hot and made us appreciate more the fact we had an air conditioned car! The hottest it's gotten so far in Pakenham has been 44 degrees Celsius (about 111 degrees Fahrenheit!)! That was just brutal, haha. But we've slowly been getting used to being in the heat here so hopefully it never gets too bad for us. Well we're really excited for all of the great things coming up this holiday season and continue to hope to see many miracles as we work hard. I hope that you continue to enjoy the winter and the holiday season back home! Thanks again for the wonderful e-mail. I'll talk to you again soon!


Elder Hopkins

 Elder Hopkins and Elder Hirata on their bicycles.

 Cruiz and Chelsea at their wedding, with Elder Hopkins and Elder Hirata.

 Rodney and Angie Dean and family.

 Cruiz and Chelsea with Afa and Lisa and family.

 Vince Sekene and his boys with Elder Hopkins and Elder Hirata.

 The Melbourne Temple at night.

 (Left to right) Elder Hirata, Elder Hopkins, Ward members, Barry and Joan Willmott.

The ugliest spider Elder Hopkins has ever seen.

Elder Hopkins' District, Zone Leaders, and assistants from the last transfer.

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