Monday, August 13, 2012

August 13, 2012

Thanks for the wonderful e-mail! This week was really good! At the beginning of the week (Monday-Wednesday) it seemed like it wasn't going to go very well at all because we had several cancellations with appointments and we didn't have much success tracting either. However, the rest of the week really picked up well and we were blessed with a lot of success! One of our investigators that I was talking about in a past letter, Puot (pronounced like Port), a 21 year old Sudanese man, has been progressing great and has a pretty solid baptismal date for the 1st of September (the last Saturday of this transfer) so that'd be really exciting if he was able to be baptized on that day because he'd be maybe the 2nd or 3rd Sudanese member in the Stake (which is about 1000 people large) even though there is a huge amount of Sudanese residents in the area. He speaks really good English though and is studying in school to be a lawyer! He really loves reading the Book of Mormon that we gave him a while back and he highlights it and everything so it's been really nice to see his excitement to learn and to follow Jesus Christ. Tommy and Tracy are also progressing really well and supposedly they've set a date with the Bishop for their marraige so hopefully we'll be able to set a date for her baptism during the coming week. Melissa and David are still doing really well, they haven't set a date for their marraige yet but obviously it is a long process and a big decision but they are moving towards it and they've already noticed the difference in their family that the Gospel has brought so they'll definitely get there in time. About a week and a half ago, though, we'd fasted so that David and Melissa would have extra strength in trying to live the Word of Wisdom, and this past week in a lesson David told us that he'd given up smoking cold turkey and he'd been off them for nearly a week already! He'd been smoking almost 50 cigarettes a day too and for him to go down to none at all was a miracle! So we were so happy for him and his commitment to re-living the Gospel (as he is already a member) and setting a good example for Melissa and their 2 kids. That experience definitely helped give me a stronger testimony of the power and blessings that come from fasting. This past Sunday was Stake Conference for the Pakenham stake and it was great! As I mentioned earlier, the stake is huge, and for Dad if you imagine the amount of people that are at the stake center at home for the Priesthood session of General Conference but doubled or tripled that's how many people were there! I'm certainly glad that I wasn't one of the speakers because I'm sure it was intimidating to look out over everyone. The speakers were wonderful, though, and there was one speaker who was a returned missionary from the Phillipines! He actually left on his mission when he was 26 years old, so he was definitely committed to the work when he left. He was telling some great stories about his mission and if I remember correctly he said that he and his comapanion at one point had no beds and no running water in their hut (yes, a hut) that they lived in, so that definitely made me feel blessed to be in a nicely equipped flat here. But we were able to have a couple people we teach come to the meeting so that was definitely an uplifting experience for them. So I'm sorry there isn't too much news or stories this week but I'm sure this next week will have a lot of great things to write about! Thank you so much for your love, prayers, and support. Elder Rafferty and I very much appreciate them and the Lord has greatly blessed us in our area and I'm sure it is a result of your prayers. I hope your week at home goes great and that it is enjoyable! I'll talk to you again soon!
Elder Hopkins

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