you have had a wonderful week this week! This past week was definitely
one of the most miraculous weeks of the mission! There is so much that I
could talk about so I hope I will have time to get all of the miracles
down. So I guess first of all, the highlight of the week was that our
investigator Mary (Myat Khin in Burmese) was baptized and confirmed on
Saturday! It was a wonderful service and a blessing to be a part of it.
She was baptized and confirmed on the same day because since she is
still learning English and is about 69 she gets nervous when she's in
front of a lot of people so Bishop gave the 'OK' for her to be confirmed
at the service as well. I had the opportunity to do one of the talks
before she was baptized (on baptism) and then I also participated in her
confirmation. Elder Wood was the one who baptized her since he was the
first missionary to find her and it was also his first baptism of the
mission, so that was special for him! Elder Afele performed the
confirmation. It all went great and the Spirit was strong there, and
there was good support from the members that did attend. Mary was then
sustained before the ward as a member yesterday at church. She was very
happy and relieved after the baptism because in the days leading up to
the baptism she had several trials going on. Not physical trials, but
more of mental trials as in Satan trying to get at her mind and convince
her it is not right and so on. Ever since Stake Conference last week
she had been extra worried about the baptism and eventually her mind
became so overwhelmed that she decided she wouldn't be coming back to
church and left to go see her old pastor in Wantirna (the city that the
Temple is in). So she went back there and stayed with the pastor and his
family, but when she slept there the night before her baptismal
interview she had like a vision in her dream that caused her to realize
she needed to come back, which she did! We couldn't quite understand all
of what she described the dream to be because she had trouble putting
it into English, but it had something to do with seeing unclean people
that had leprosy or some type of skin disease (maybe the same dream
Peter had in the Bible! haha) but nevertheless Heavenly Father was able
to guide her back to the Gospel so she could be baptized! So that was
just one of the many miracles this week, onto some of the others. So we
have some investigators Simone and Jack (who I may have mentioned before
I'm not sure, they are a single mom and her 12 year old son) who we've
been teaching for just a few weeks. Simone had contact like 12 years ago
with the church and her family all joined the church but she didn't.
Now her family has all left the church but she has a huge desire to
follow Jesus Christ in her life now and do what's right so she excepted
the invitation to see the missionaries again when Elder Wood and Elder
Afele tracted into her just before I got here. She's Australian and has
had a basic Christian background. Since we've been teaching her, her
main concern has just been being able to accept the Book of Mormon as
the additional word of God. We'd had some good discussions with her but
about 2 weeks ago when we came to our lesson she was quite distraught.
We soon found out that she had stumbled upon some anti-Mormon material
on the internet as she was looking for information on the church (which I
think I told you about before). We were thankfully, with the guidance
of the Spirit, able to answer a lot of the concerns that had been
brought up by this material and just testified of the importance of
reading and praying about the Book of Mormon to receive her answer if
the church is true. She then told us how she had been praying (but not
reading yet, unfortunately) to know if the church is true but asked God
specifically to put a purple flower in her garden as a sign to show her
it's the right path. She had never had a purple flower before nor
planted anything like it so she felt it would be an unmistakeable sign
of truth. We were kind of hesitant and uneasy about that and told her
that God usually doesn't work by odd signs like that but mostly through
the feelings the Holy Ghost gives us. She said ok and promised that she
would try praying for those feelings more diligently as she read (it'd
been a few days already since she asked for a purple flower with no
signs of one). So a few lessons went by and we thought we were teaching
them pretty well but she still didn't seem to be receiving her answer to
the truth of the things we'd taught. We weren't sure what would help
her but we prepared a pretty good lesson for her on Thursday on how to
receive an answer from the Holy Ghost and recognize it and also the
purpose and role of the Book of Mormon. We went there with our
fellowship and sat down with them and began our lesson. We started
talking about the Book of Mormon and she asked if there were any
evidences of it either in discoveries in the world or in the Bible.
Elder Afele showed her the 'other sheep I have, which are not of this
fold' comparison between John 10:16 in the Bible and 3 Nephi in the Book
of Mormon. Simone read the 3 Nephi verses twice over and had a very
concerned/questioned look on her face. Then all of a sudden asked her
son to come with her out in the backyard so she could talk with him in
private. We didn't know what to think but we were worried she was going
to come back in and ask us to leave or something. However, she came back
in and they were both looking quite shocked and happy. Simone then told
us how when she went outside that morning she found in her garden a
tall purple flower! We then went outside to see it as well, and sure
enough there was a single purple flower beginning to bloom. It was such a
miracle! Elder Afele, Elder Wood and I were all kind of stunned seeing
as we didn't expect such an answer to come, but we were certainly
humbled and our faith was strengthened in the power Heavenly Father has
to answer any prayer that we need answered. They were at church
yesterday and we see them again tonight and will talk about baptism,
because she said as soon as she knows what's true she will be baptized.
So that was a big obvious miracle for us! Another miracle was one of the
members in the ward, Harmony Byrne (who just recently came back out of
inactivity), gave her friend a Book of Mormon on Wednesday who has
really been struggling as of late and who she felt was ready to receive
the Gospel. Her friend accepted the Book of Mormon and also an
invitation to meet with the missionaries, so Harmony called us after her
meeting with him and arranged for us to go see him the next night
(Thursday). Her friend is named Tenzen and is and 18 year old
Australian. At the moment he has just been staying at the Maroondah
hospital mental health clinic, not because he has any mental
deficiencies but because he had a bit of a mishap with some security
guards and they wanted to keep him there a few days to make sure he's
sane (he gets out tomorrow). Tenzen is a very spiritual person and is so
sensitive to the Spirit's promptings. We shared mainly about how God is
our loving Heavenly Father, about the role of Jesus Christ in God's
plan and the importance of following Him, and also a little bit about
the Book of Mormon. Tenzen said he felt so good throughout the lesson
and when we shared with him Galations 5:22-23 (the different feelings
the Holy Ghost gives us) he said how he felt an overload of all those
feelings. He then accepted an invitation to be baptized. He's been very
prepared in many ways, and even before our lesson with him he had
decided that he would read the Book of Mormon every night until he
finished it. We've taught him one other time since then and we are very
excited to see him progress! We've seen so many other miracles this week
and have several others progressing towards baptism as well, so the
Lord is pouring out blessings upon us! It's been really good being in a
tripanionship at the moment because we're all determined to be hard
working and exactly obedient which we know is what has brought so many
blessings. So anyway, I've run out of time! I didn't get to say all I
wanted to but hopefully I've given you enough reading material already,
haha. I love you heaps and miss you! Have a wonderful week this week!
Talk to you again soon!
Elder Hopkins
Elder Afele, Elder Wood, new member Mary (Myat Khin), and Elder Brandon Hopkins