heaps this week for the great
e-mail, I really enjoyed reading about the exciting things from this
past week! Elder Matu'u and I had a really good week this past week and
saw a lot of miracles and blessings as we continue to do our best to
work hard and be obedient. On Tuesday
we were able to see Joseph (the Sudanese man I mentioned a few weeks
ago) and his family and teach a lesson for the first time with them.
Turns out the Joseph isn't just the Nuer people leader for Geelong but
for all of Australia! He's the first Nuer President of Australia in
history as well so he's a very distinguished person, but is very humble
and kind. He is very willing to learn and apply what we teach him so we
hope that we can be inspired and guided so we can touch his and his
family's hearts to help them come even closer to Christ through the
restored gospel. We see them again tonight so hopefully it will continue
to be a great experience teaching them. We also found another man this
past week who was
on the ward list but nobody knew who he was. He was baptized about 10
to 15 years ago but hasn't been to church in a very long time. We've
found him at a time that he's looking to make a change and have Christ
as the main focus of his life again and his very willing to act on his
desire. We've taught him a couple of times and we hope with the wards
efforts as well that we'll be able to help him into re-activity. We also
had the splits again this week with the High Priests, and the focus was
just going to find out more information on some of the 'address
unknown' names on the ward list. Unfortunately it wasn't overly
successful as some of the last known addresses were from almost a decade
ago, however some of the groups that went out did find some new people
(neighbors of the houses they were trying to visit) who were interested
in learning more about the message of the church. We had another
exchange this week as well, this time with the District
Leader, Elder Hasson and his companion Elder Pain. I was with Elder
Pain in our area of Geelong while Elder Matu'u and Elder Hasson were in
the other area. Elder Pain and I had some really good experiences as we
worked really hard. It started out a bit slow because our first couple
appointments weren't home and we did about an hour and a bit of tracting
without any success. But as we kept working without getting discouraged
the blessings came later as we got the chance to teach some good
lessons to some investigators and also find some new people to teach who
seem very interested. This past Saturday was a really packed and
enjoyable day because it started off by us having the opportunity to go
and play basketball a little as part off an Elders Quorum activity in
which there were some less-active members who showed up so it turned out
to be a good missionary opportunity to fellowship them. After that the
other Geelong missionaries had a baptism
with one of the long time investigators for the area named Peter. He'd
progressed a long way even from when I first saw him when I got to
Geelong, so it was great to see him make the step of baptism (his family
was already members). It's kind of a cool story with him and Elder
Hasson, because in Elder Hasson's first area in the mission he began
teaching Peter and his family, he slowly made some progress and shortly
Elder Hasson was transferred to another area. And now a year later Elder
Hasson was transferred to Geelong and Peter and his family happened to
have moved there as well, so he had the opportunity to complete the
teaching of them as well and help Peter into the waters of baptism.
Another big event on Saturday
was the marriage of Joel and Camilla by Bishop (if you remember them, I
haven't mentioned them in a few weeks because they've been so busy with
their baby and the wedding preparations) so that was really great! So
now that they've made it
through the wedding hopefully we'll get more opportunities to continue
to teach them now. We also get to start teaching Noah again this week
and he'll be baptized very soon as well, so we're excited for that
because we've missed being able to teach him lately (he's a fun kid to
be around and teach!). On Saturday night Elder Matu'u and I opened a
fast with one of the reasons being higher church attendance from our
investigators, because lately we haven't been haven't the number of
people there that we've hoped for. However, on Sunday the Lord answered
us in a way that we didn't expect at all. One of the members in the ward
who is a former bishop had been talking to an excommunicated member
who'd been telling him for months that he wanted to make a change and
come back to church. The former bishop said that if he wants to come to
church he can come any Sunday morning and he and his family will take
him there. And it happened on the Sunday we were fasting
for church attendance that the excommunicated member turned up on his
door and came to church! So that was a great miracle to see, especially
since he really enjoyed church and said that he really wants to change
and work towards being re-baptized. He'll have a lot of work to do but
with the Lord's help anything can be overcome with the desire to change
and improve. Sunday afternoon we were able to go and teach a man we met
earlier in the week named Dave. He's 20 years old and has a small son
and a partner he's staying with. He's a really nice and humble guy
though and really wants to have religion a bigger part of his life again
as he grew up in a religious family. We taught a really powerful lesson
on the Restoration with him and he understood all the points really
well and felt the spirit. He asked for a Book of Mormon and said he
hopes to read the whole thing! We also invited him to be baptized once
he receives a witness of the truthfulness of the
restored gospel and he accepted. So that was another miracle for us as
we've been trying really hard to find some really sincere investigators
and we know that Dave will progress with the desire that he has. So the
work in Geelong continues to improve and increase each week and we're
beginning to find a lot of people who are very prepared by Heavenly
Father either to receive for the first time or come back to the gospel. I
know as we continue to work hard that the Lord will bless us with
seeing many of these people we've found progress in the gospel and
towards baptism. I'm grateful as always for all the love and support you
give me and my companion that helps us keep motivated to do our best. I
hope that you have a wonderful week ahead and that you can continue to
see many missionary opportunities yourselves. Thanks again for your
e-mail and I hope that your coming Easter weekend is a really great and
special time to remember the Savior and his
Atonement for all mankind that makes all of this work possible. I
encourage you to share your testimony this week of His atonement and how
it's blessed your life with someone who may need to hear it, whether
it's a relative a member of the ward or a non member. I know Heavenly
Father blesses us greatly each time we testify of His son to others. I
love you heaps and I'll talk to you again soon!
Elder Hopkins